108 E. Nine Mile Rd., Richmond, VA 23221      (804) 367-7979  [email protected]

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​About Brook's Stitch & Fold

Two children playing soccer on a field.

Since opening our doors in 2015, we have made it our business to make laundry convenient. In the midst of life’s busy schedules, demanding careers and forever growing to-do lists, our customers rarely find themselves with the time to do laundry.

Having personally experienced the challenges of a demanding career, frequent travel and long work hours, the owner of Brook’s Stitch & Fold understood the value in a service that offered a solution. The answer was soon found in our wash and fold with free home pickup and delivery service.

With the goal of giving back time, we quickly adopted the motto Do Life, Not Laundry!

We continue to take great pride in helping each of customer’s achieve this goal as we proudly serve the greater Richmond area.

Helping our customers to Do Life, Not Laundry!

Have questions? Get in touch!